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Etawah District Population
Etawah District Total population is 1581810. Rural Population is 1215511 and Urban population is 366299. Etawah District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1215511 | 652740 | 562771 |
Urban | 366299 | 193116 | 173183 |
Total | 1581810 | 845856 | 735954 |
List of sub districts in Etawah District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Jaswantnagar | 214678 | 38138 |
Saifai | 95063 | 16664 |
Etawah | 591152 | 102656 |
Bharthana | 534090 | 94065 |
Chakarnagar | 146827 | 26004 |