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East Siang District Population
East Siang District Total population is 99214. Rural Population is 71579 and Urban population is 27635. East Siang District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 71579 | 36147 | 35432 |
Urban | 27635 | 13969 | 13666 |
Total | 99214 | 50116 | 49098 |
List of sub districts in East Siang District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Boleng | 5776 | 1084 |
Riga | 4153 | 870 |
Pangin | 3411 | 622 |
Kebang | 1629 | 337 |
Rebo-Perging | 2363 | 420 |
Koyu | 2005 | 247 |
Kora | 884 | 123 |
Nari | 4989 | 864 |
New Seren | 3048 | 478 |
Bilat | 4734 | 898 |
Ruksin | 5679 | 1057 |
Sille-Oyan | 9715 | 1872 |
Pasighat | 36354 | 7584 |
Mebo | 7015 | 1328 |
Namsing | 7459 | 1323 |