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East Kameng District Population
East Kameng District Total population is 78690. Rural Population is 60340 and Urban population is 18350. East Kameng District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 60340 | 29506 | 30834 |
Urban | 18350 | 9269 | 9081 |
Total | 78690 | 38775 | 39915 |
List of sub districts in East Kameng District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Seijosa | 3958 | 812 |
Dissing-Passo | 1561 | 266 |
Pakke-Kessang | 3609 | 601 |
Pizirang(Veo) | 6230 | 1029 |
Richukrong | 3636 | 663 |
Seppa | 29214 | 5443 |
Lada | 3189 | 502 |
Bameng | 5549 | 1178 |
Pipu-Dipu | 3852 | 780 |
Gyawe Purang | 2469 | 468 |
Khenewa | 4230 | 766 |
Chayangtajo | 6937 | 1206 |
Sawa | 4256 | 794 |