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Dungarpur District Population
Dungarpur District Total population is 1388552. Rural Population is 1299809 and Urban population is 88743. Dungarpur District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1299809 | 651046 | 648763 |
Urban | 88743 | 45486 | 43257 |
Total | 1388552 | 696532 | 692020 |
List of sub districts in Dungarpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dungarpur | 495423 | 98876 |
Aspur | 224243 | 46330 |
Sagwara | 343232 | 71166 |
Simalwara | 325654 | 65657 |