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Dumka District Population
Dumka District Total population is 1321442. Rural Population is 1231264 and Urban population is 90178. Dumka District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1231264 | 620928 | 610336 |
Urban | 90178 | 47586 | 42592 |
Total | 1321442 | 668514 | 652928 |
List of sub districts in Dumka District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Saraiyahat | 156291 | 31370 |
Jarmundi | 185286 | 37342 |
Ramgarh | 159911 | 34085 |
Gopikandar | 42063 | 9272 |
Kathikund | 71458 | 14973 |
Shikaripara | 131464 | 27609 |
Ranishwar | 101667 | 22598 |
Dumka | 210785 | 42746 |
Jama | 137963 | 28187 |
Masalia | 124554 | 26837 |