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Dibrugarh District Population
Dibrugarh District Total population is 1326335. Rural Population is 1082605 and Urban population is 243730. Dibrugarh District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1082605 | 550299 | 532306 |
Urban | 243730 | 126135 | 117595 |
Total | 1326335 | 676434 | 649901 |
List of sub districts in Dibrugarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dibrugarh West | 159580 | 32833 |
Dibrugarh East | 270230 | 57758 |
Chabua | 159585 | 32442 |
Tengakhat | 220478 | 46801 |
Moran | 169759 | 35160 |
Tingkhong | 159295 | 32308 |
Naharkatiya | 187408 | 39565 |