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Dhenkanal District Population
Dhenkanal District Total population is 1192811. Rural Population is 1075305 and Urban population is 117506. Dhenkanal District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1075305 | 551326 | 523979 |
Urban | 117506 | 61267 | 56239 |
Total | 1192811 | 612593 | 580218 |
List of sub districts in Dhenkanal District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Parajang | 164482 | 38920 |
Kamakshyanagar | 117096 | 26786 |
Kankadahad | 61222 | 13114 |
Bhuban | 101051 | 22588 |
Gandia | 104442 | 25204 |
Nihalprasad | 53452 | 12345 |
Tumusingha | 53802 | 12475 |
Motunga | 62014 | 14709 |
Balimi | 47592 | 12057 |
Hindol | 44159 | 10877 |
Rasol | 73850 | 17911 |
Dhenkanal Sadar | 282828 | 66165 |