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Dhemaji District Population
Dhemaji District Total population is 686133. Rural Population is 637848 and Urban population is 48285. Dhemaji District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 637848 | 326278 | 311570 |
Urban | 48285 | 24971 | 23314 |
Total | 686133 | 351249 | 334884 |
List of sub districts in Dhemaji District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dhakuakhana (Pt) | 29575 | 5733 |
Subansiri (Pt) | 13950 | 2827 |
Subansiri (Pt-I) | 13950 | 2827 |
Dhakuakhana (Pt) | 29575 | 5733 |
Subansiri (Pt) | 13950 | 2827 |
Dhemaji | 139920 | 29133 |
Sissibargaon | 234030 | 42491 |
Jonai | 169898 | 30012 |
Gogamukh | 98760 | 19673 |