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Dharwad District Population
Dharwad District Total population is 1847023. Rural Population is 797484 and Urban population is 1049539. Dharwad District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 797484 | 409416 | 388068 |
Urban | 1049539 | 527790 | 521749 |
Total | 1847023 | 937206 | 909817 |
List of sub districts in Dharwad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dharwad | 249993 | 50058 |
Navalgund | 190208 | 37789 |
Hubli | 142807 | 29199 |
Kalghatgi | 154659 | 31526 |
Kundgol | 165568 | 33710 |