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Dhar District Population
Dhar District Total population is 2185793. Rural Population is 1772572 and Urban population is 413221. Dhar District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1772572 | 895113 | 877459 |
Urban | 413221 | 217612 | 195609 |
Total | 2185793 | 1112725 | 1073068 |
List of sub districts in Dhar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Badnawar | 226440 | 45762 |
Sardarpur | 296513 | 58320 |
Dhar | 578423 | 116309 |
Gandhwani | 156046 | 28280 |
Kukshi | 322282 | 58355 |
Dahi | 114242 | 21833 |
Manawar | 308188 | 60616 |
Dharampuri | 183659 | 36439 |