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Dhanbad District Population
Dhanbad District Total population is 2684487. Rural Population is 1124093 and Urban population is 1560394. Dhanbad District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1124093 | 581956 | 542137 |
Urban | 1560394 | 824000 | 736394 |
Total | 2684487 | 1405956 | 1278531 |
List of sub districts in Dhanbad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tundi | 102022 | 18971 |
Purbi Tundi* | 50240 | 9487 |
Topchanchi | 163342 | 31207 |
Baghmara-Cum-Katras | 334309 | 64297 |
Gobindpur | 245697 | 44238 |
Dhanbad-Cum-Kenduadih-Cum-Jagata | 1221356 | 231668 |
Baliapur | 140908 | 26387 |
Nirsa-Cum-Chirkunda | 426613 | 80809 |