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Dausa District Population
Dausa District Total population is 1634409. Rural Population is 1432616 and Urban population is 201793. Dausa District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1432616 | 751900 | 680716 |
Urban | 201793 | 105887 | 95906 |
Total | 1634409 | 857787 | 776622 |
List of sub districts in Dausa District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Baswa | 338878 | 61990 |
Mahwa | 264667 | 46764 |
Sikrai | 260484 | 50010 |
Dausa | 420937 | 73131 |
Lalsot | 349443 | 60607 |