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Darbhanga District Population
Darbhanga District Total population is 3937385. Rural Population is 3554057 and Urban population is 383328. Darbhanga District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3554057 | 1858545 | 1695512 |
Urban | 383328 | 201404 | 181924 |
Total | 3937385 | 2059949 | 1877436 |
List of sub districts in Darbhanga District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Jale | 264248 | 53888 |
Singhwara | 267601 | 54126 |
Keotiranway | 270722 | 57428 |
Darbhanga | 577036 | 112980 |
Manigachhi | 228618 | 47088 |
Tardih | 123299 | 27689 |
Alinagar | 143797 | 28484 |
Benipur | 250357 | 50421 |
Bahadurpur | 261805 | 51782 |
Hanumannagar | 154631 | 33466 |
Hayaghat | 148081 | 30619 |
Baheri | 302645 | 61422 |
Biraul | 286113 | 56704 |
Ghanshyampur | 133210 | 29536 |
Kiratpur | 81423 | 16612 |
Gora Bauram | 152112 | 30935 |
Kusheshwar Asthan | 162870 | 34375 |
Kusheshwar Asthan Purbi | 128817 | 25457 |