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Chirang District Population
Chirang District Total population is 482162. Rural Population is 446825 and Urban population is 35337. Chirang District is in Assam State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 446825 | 226895 | 219930 |
Urban | 35337 | 17965 | 17372 |
Total | 482162 | 244860 | 237302 |
List of sub districts in Chirang District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Kokrajhar (Pt) | 22001 | 4765 |
Bongaigaon (Pt) | 8253 | 1747 |
Sidli (Pt) | 158881 | 31941 |
Bijni (Pt) | 233586 | 46984 |
Kokrajhar (Pt) | 22001 | 4765 |
Bongaigaon (Pt) | 8253 | 1747 |
Bengtol | 49941 | 9984 |
Sidli (Pt) | 158881 | 31941 |
Bijni (Pt) | 233586 | 46984 |