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Chikmagalur District Population
Chikmagalur District Total population is 1137961. Rural Population is 898453 and Urban population is 239508. Chikmagalur District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 898453 | 447545 | 450908 |
Urban | 239508 | 119077 | 120431 |
Total | 1137961 | 566622 | 571339 |
List of sub districts in Chikmagalur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sringeri | 36539 | 9313 |
Koppa | 84882 | 21296 |
Narasimharajapura | 66090 | 16566 |
Tarikere | 225280 | 53225 |
Kadur | 291668 | 69575 |
Chikmagalur | 305368 | 74176 |
Mudigere | 128134 | 31934 |