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Chhindwara District Population
Chhindwara District Total population is 2090922. Rural Population is 1585739 and Urban population is 505183. Chhindwara District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1585739 | 806199 | 779540 |
Urban | 505183 | 258269 | 246914 |
Total | 2090922 | 1064468 | 1026454 |
List of sub districts in Chhindwara District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tamia | 114176 | 23290 |
Amarwara | 159063 | 32929 |
Harrai | 135188 | 28629 |
Chaurai | 189470 | 39489 |
Jamai | 240547 | 49515 |
Parasia | 193536 | 41582 |
Umreth | 91457 | 18419 |
Chhindwara | 337144 | 71107 |
Mohkhed | 168340 | 34932 |
Sausar | 181692 | 41871 |
Bichhua | 87691 | 18635 |
Pandhurna | 192618 | 42963 |