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Chhatarpur District Population
Chhatarpur District Total population is 1762375. Rural Population is 1363359 and Urban population is 399016. Chhatarpur District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1363359 | 725273 | 638086 |
Urban | 399016 | 210848 | 188168 |
Total | 1762375 | 936121 | 826254 |
List of sub districts in Chhatarpur District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Gaurihar | 187093 | 38407 |
Laundi | 99946 | 19861 |
Chandla | 100601 | 21537 |
Nowgong | 182233 | 33791 |
Maharajpur | 105051 | 19334 |
Chhatarpur | 359338 | 69003 |
Rajnagar | 255004 | 51483 |
Bada Malhera | 110935 | 24269 |
Ghuwara | 98517 | 22561 |
Bijawar | 173380 | 35318 |
Buxwaha | 90277 | 20733 |