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Changlang District Population
Changlang District Total population is 148226. Rural Population is 128998 and Urban population is 19228. Changlang District is in Arunachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 128998 | 66283 | 62715 |
Urban | 19228 | 10665 | 8563 |
Total | 148226 | 76948 | 71278 |
List of sub districts in Changlang District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Khimiyong | 3012 | 572 |
Yatdam | 2793 | 496 |
Changlang | 13731 | 2944 |
Namtok | 3875 | 774 |
Manmao | 2632 | 569 |
Renuk | 715 | 132 |
Lyngok-Longtoi | 757 | 146 |
Nampong | 3636 | 758 |
Tikhak Rima Putok | 1344 | 273 |
Jairampur | 9804 | 2310 |
Vijoynagar | 4438 | 807 |
Miao | 25921 | 5336 |
Kharsang | 14516 | 2837 |
Diyun | 32007 | 5949 |
Bordumsa | 29045 | 5618 |