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Chamba District Population
Chamba District Total population is 519080. Rural Population is 482972 and Urban population is 36108. Chamba District is in Himachal Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 482972 | 241963 | 241009 |
Urban | 36108 | 19357 | 16751 |
Total | 519080 | 261320 | 257760 |
List of sub districts in Chamba District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Pangi | 18868 | 3952 |
Chaurah | 78988 | 14142 |
Saluni | 47939 | 8815 |
Bhalai | 25326 | 4774 |
Dalhousie | 46760 | 9514 |
Bhattiyat | 42967 | 8897 |
Sihunta | 39871 | 8297 |
Chamba | 179253 | 35900 |
Holi | 14094 | 3027 |
Brahmaur | 25014 | 5142 |