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Buxar District Population
Buxar District Total population is 1706352. Rural Population is 1541853 and Urban population is 164499. Buxar District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1541853 | 801086 | 740767 |
Urban | 164499 | 86891 | 77608 |
Total | 1706352 | 887977 | 818375 |
List of sub districts in Buxar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Simri | 207225 | 30388 |
Chakki | 42256 | 5920 |
Barhampur | 196070 | 28826 |
Chaugain | 48743 | 7929 |
Kesath | 33820 | 5304 |
Dumraon | 232682 | 37519 |
Buxar | 291189 | 45847 |
Chausa | 103670 | 15817 |
Rajpur | 213534 | 32976 |
Itarhi | 170629 | 25577 |
Nawanagar | 166534 | 25557 |