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Bundi District Population
Bundi District Total population is 1110906. Rural Population is 888205 and Urban population is 222701. Bundi District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 888205 | 461734 | 426471 |
Urban | 222701 | 115426 | 107275 |
Total | 1110906 | 577160 | 533746 |
List of sub districts in Bundi District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Hindoli | 221601 | 45311 |
Nainwa | 196070 | 39370 |
Indragarh | 127715 | 26395 |
Keshoraipatan | 153987 | 30006 |
Bundi | 411533 | 79686 |