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Bulandshahr District Population
Bulandshahr District Total population is 3499171. Rural Population is 2631742 and Urban population is 867429. Bulandshahr District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2631742 | 1390490 | 1241252 |
Urban | 867429 | 454770 | 412659 |
Total | 3499171 | 1845260 | 1653911 |
List of sub districts in Bulandshahr District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sikandrabad | 385099 | 64149 |
Bulandshahr | 867941 | 144302 |
Siana | 510190 | 85716 |
Anupshahr | 348325 | 58068 |
Debai | 433395 | 73357 |
Shikarpur | 435158 | 73259 |
Khurja | 519063 | 88678 |