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Bokaro District Population
Bokaro District Total population is 2062330. Rural Population is 1078686 and Urban population is 983644. Bokaro District is in Jharkhand State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1078686 | 554954 | 523732 |
Urban | 983644 | 517853 | 465791 |
Total | 2062330 | 1072807 | 989523 |
List of sub districts in Bokaro District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Nawadih | 138454 | 24556 |
Chandrapura | 132162 | 25316 |
Bermo | 189777 | 35758 |
Gumia | 231185 | 42962 |
Peterwar | 132150 | 25706 |
Kasmar | 89974 | 18237 |
Jaridih | 104988 | 21136 |
Chas | 813402 | 158059 |
Chandankiyari | 230238 | 43188 |