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Bikaner District Population
Bikaner District Total population is 2363937. Rural Population is 1563553 and Urban population is 800384. Bikaner District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1563553 | 821434 | 742119 |
Urban | 800384 | 419367 | 381017 |
Total | 2363937 | 1240801 | 1123136 |
List of sub districts in Bikaner District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bikaner | 919706 | 158036 |
Poogal | 67163 | 11977 |
Lunkaransar | 213627 | 33850 |
Kolayat | 261028 | 43118 |
Nokha | 436876 | 65622 |
Khajuwala | 88730 | 16080 |
Chhatargarh | 82488 | 13826 |
Sridungargarh | 294319 | 42435 |