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Bhiwani District Population
Bhiwani District Total population is 1634445. Rural Population is 1313123 and Urban population is 321322. Bhiwani District is in Haryana State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1313123 | 696212 | 616911 |
Urban | 321322 | 170460 | 150862 |
Total | 1634445 | 866672 | 767773 |
List of sub districts in Bhiwani District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bawani Khera | 127035 | 24047 |
Bhiwani | 553698 | 107432 |
Tosham | 191466 | 35813 |
Siwani | 100183 | 18739 |
Loharu | 159787 | 29470 |
Dadri | 384192 | 73472 |
Badhra | 118084 | 22407 |