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Bhind District Population
Bhind District Total population is 1703005. Rural Population is 1270083 and Urban population is 432922. Bhind District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1270083 | 694756 | 575327 |
Urban | 432922 | 232087 | 200835 |
Total | 1703005 | 926843 | 776162 |
List of sub districts in Bhind District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Ater | 139378 | 24368 |
Bhind | 538189 | 90501 |
Mehgaon | 198343 | 35510 |
Gormi | 128774 | 21914 |
Gohad | 316826 | 57702 |
Ron | 78005 | 13755 |
Mihona | 89442 | 16274 |
Lahar | 214048 | 39209 |