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Bharuch District Population
Bharuch District Total population is 1551019. Rural Population is 1026060 and Urban population is 524959. Bharuch District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1026060 | 529393 | 496667 |
Urban | 524959 | 276314 | 248645 |
Total | 1551019 | 805707 | 745312 |
List of sub districts in Bharuch District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Jambusar | 197038 | 40620 |
Amod | 93819 | 19291 |
Vagra | 100044 | 21590 |
Bharuch | 452517 | 96142 |
Jhagadia | 185337 | 39766 |
Anklesvar | 315596 | 70782 |
Hansot | 61268 | 13701 |
Valia | 145400 | 31591 |