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Barwani District Population
Barwani District Total population is 1385881. Rural Population is 1181812 and Urban population is 204069. Barwani District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1181812 | 594907 | 586905 |
Urban | 204069 | 104433 | 99636 |
Total | 1385881 | 699340 | 686541 |
List of sub districts in Barwani District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Barwani | 211061 | 37545 |
Pati | 162432 | 26792 |
Thikri | 79054 | 16211 |
Anjad | 89465 | 18079 |
Rajpur | 213216 | 38635 |
Pansemal | 157975 | 29107 |
Niwali | 112639 | 18942 |
Sendhwa | 231318 | 37027 |
Varla | 128721 | 20939 |