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Bargarh District Population
Bargarh District Total population is 1481255. Rural Population is 1331145 and Urban population is 150110. Bargarh District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1331145 | 672603 | 658542 |
Urban | 150110 | 76558 | 73552 |
Total | 1481255 | 749161 | 732094 |
List of sub districts in Bargarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Paikamal | 91916 | 22369 |
Jharbandha | 103676 | 25578 |
Padmapur | 81259 | 19586 |
Burden | 33259 | 8561 |
Gaisilet | 77443 | 20996 |
Melchhamunda | 70239 | 18224 |
Sohela | 104566 | 27666 |
Bijepur | 107374 | 28663 |
Barapali | 128271 | 33101 |
Bheden | 127400 | 31968 |
Bargarh | 164131 | 38108 |
Bargarh Sadar | 78389 | 19712 |
Bhatli | 90321 | 21986 |
Ambabhona | 65715 | 15310 |
Attabira | 157296 | 38480 |