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Banka District Population
Banka District Total population is 2034763. Rural Population is 1963450 and Urban population is 71313. Banka District is in Bihar State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1963450 | 1029097 | 934353 |
Urban | 71313 | 38043 | 33270 |
Total | 2034763 | 1067140 | 967623 |
List of sub districts in Banka District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shambhuganj | 173974 | 32616 |
Amarpur | 226687 | 42878 |
Rajaun | 197601 | 38409 |
Dhuraiya | 239762 | 43274 |
Barahat | 149188 | 28940 |
Banka | 217301 | 40825 |
Phulidumar | 125251 | 23632 |
Belhar | 167719 | 31625 |
Chanan | 165634 | 30372 |
Katoria | 186646 | 33190 |
Bausi | 185000 | 35840 |