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Ballia District Population
Ballia District Total population is 3239774. Rural Population is 2935665 and Urban population is 304109. Ballia District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2935665 | 1514018 | 1421647 |
Urban | 304109 | 158884 | 145225 |
Total | 3239774 | 1672902 | 1566872 |
List of sub districts in Ballia District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Belthara Road | 392294 | 57235 |
Sikanderpur | 392801 | 60360 |
Rasra | 548010 | 81899 |
Ballia | 979400 | 144433 |
Bansdih | 540524 | 82262 |
Bairia | 386745 | 54079 |