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Baleshwar District Population
Baleshwar District Total population is 2320529. Rural Population is 2067236 and Urban population is 253293. Baleshwar District is in Odisha State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2067236 | 1056466 | 1010770 |
Urban | 253293 | 129321 | 123972 |
Total | 2320529 | 1185787 | 1134742 |
List of sub districts in Baleshwar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Raibania | 80472 | 18674 |
Jaleswar | 149170 | 32997 |
Bhograi | 188559 | 43912 |
Kamarda | 96162 | 22637 |
Baliapal | 169958 | 37186 |
Singla | 134178 | 30559 |
Basta | 151915 | 35550 |
Rupsa | 25189 | 5510 |
Baleshwar Sadar | 179092 | 41782 |
Sahadevkhunta | 10233 | 2420 |
Chandipur | 40588 | 8773 |
Balaramgadi Marine | 5237 | 1124 |
Bampada | 11287 | 2470 |
Remuna | 91668 | 21597 |
Nilagiri | 132168 | 31939 |
Berhampur | 57614 | 14043 |
Oupada | 39759 | 8948 |
Khaira | 139777 | 32402 |
Soro | 311507 | 73114 |
Similia | 161623 | 35679 |