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Balaghat District Population
Balaghat District Total population is 1701698. Rural Population is 1456882 and Urban population is 244816. Balaghat District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1456882 | 719794 | 737088 |
Urban | 244816 | 122384 | 122432 |
Total | 1701698 | 842178 | 859520 |
List of sub districts in Balaghat District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Katangi | 102594 | 23702 |
Tirodi | 79401 | 19125 |
Waraseoni | 176291 | 41304 |
Khairlanji | 147208 | 36457 |
Lalbarra | 170960 | 40321 |
Balaghat | 269352 | 61278 |
Kirnapur | 175890 | 39314 |
Baihar | 284352 | 63910 |
Paraswada | 108026 | 24771 |
Lanji | 187624 | 41654 |