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Bagalkot District Population
Bagalkot District Total population is 1889752. Rural Population is 1291906 and Urban population is 597846. Bagalkot District is in Karnataka State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1291906 | 650267 | 641639 |
Urban | 597846 | 299844 | 298002 |
Total | 1889752 | 950111 | 939641 |
List of sub districts in Bagalkot District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Jamkhandi | 470176 | 90067 |
Bilgi | 160294 | 30864 |
Mudhol | 285915 | 55234 |
Badami | 330860 | 61605 |
Bagalkot | 285114 | 55836 |
Hungund | 321338 | 60331 |