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Azamgarh District Population
Azamgarh District Total population is 4613913. Rural Population is 4220512 and Urban population is 393401. Azamgarh District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 4220512 | 2082707 | 2137805 |
Urban | 393401 | 202297 | 191104 |
Total | 4613913 | 2285004 | 2328909 |
List of sub districts in Azamgarh District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Burhanpur | 459068 | 68215 |
Sagri | 901483 | 132228 |
Azamgarh | 978799 | 138449 |
Nizamabad | 595715 | 84917 |
Phulpur | 696523 | 100052 |
Lalganj | 581647 | 85111 |
Mehnagar | 400678 | 56260 |