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Ashoknagar District Population
Ashoknagar District Total population is 845071. Rural Population is 691387 and Urban population is 153684. Ashoknagar District is in Madhya Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 691387 | 363411 | 327976 |
Urban | 153684 | 80426 | 73258 |
Total | 845071 | 443837 | 401234 |
List of sub districts in Ashoknagar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Isagarh | 176249 | 35798 |
Chanderi | 158330 | 34114 |
Ashoknagar | 215267 | 43052 |
Shadhora | 73653 | 15295 |
Mungaoli | 221572 | 44421 |