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Anantnag District Population
Anantnag District Total population is 1078692. Rural Population is 795805 and Urban population is 282887. Anantnag District is in Jammu & Kashmir State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 795805 | 411012 | 384793 |
Urban | 282887 | 148755 | 134132 |
Total | 1078692 | 559767 | 518925 |
List of sub districts in Anantnag District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Pahalgam | 119884 | 19277 |
Bijbehara | 146801 | 20450 |
Anantnag | 364763 | 48726 |
Shangus | 74103 | 12400 |
Kokernag | 173712 | 27343 |
Dooru | 199429 | 25444 |