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Amravati District Population
Amravati District Total population is 2888445. Rural Population is 1851158 and Urban population is 1037287. Amravati District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1851158 | 950633 | 900525 |
Urban | 1037287 | 530135 | 507152 |
Total | 2888445 | 1480768 | 1407677 |
List of sub districts in Amravati District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Dharni | 184665 | 35596 |
Chikhaldara | 118815 | 23494 |
Anjangaon Surji | 160903 | 36355 |
Achalpur | 279479 | 59759 |
Chandurbazar | 196258 | 44598 |
Morshi | 182484 | 42454 |
Warud | 224984 | 51927 |
Teosa | 104728 | 25429 |
Amravati | 788327 | 169937 |
Bhatkuli | 113109 | 27142 |
Daryapur | 175061 | 41867 |
Nandgaon-Khandeshwar | 129810 | 32514 |
Chandur Railway | 96907 | 23606 |
Dhamangaon Railway | 132915 | 32773 |