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Alwar District Population
Alwar District Total population is 3674179. Rural Population is 3019728 and Urban population is 654451. Alwar District is in Rajasthan State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 3019728 | 1589508 | 1430220 |
Urban | 654451 | 349518 | 304933 |
Total | 3674179 | 1939026 | 1735153 |
List of sub districts in Alwar District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Behror | 359248 | 64953 |
Mandawar | 231628 | 40858 |
Kotkasim | 137339 | 24201 |
Tijara | 396575 | 72272 |
Kishangarh Bas | 201279 | 34141 |
Ramgarh | 256605 | 42432 |
Alwar | 703856 | 127212 |
Bansur | 263663 | 44071 |
Thanagazi | 233395 | 39373 |
Rajgarh | 356727 | 62123 |
Lachhmangarh | 288671 | 47033 |
Kathumar | 245193 | 41051 |