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Allahabad District Population
Allahabad District Total population is 5954391. Rural Population is 4481518 and Urban population is 1472873. Allahabad District is in Uttar Pradesh State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 4481518 | 2340959 | 2140559 |
Urban | 1472873 | 790848 | 682025 |
Total | 5954391 | 3131807 | 2822584 |
List of sub districts in Allahabad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Soraon | 823190 | 136863 |
Phulpur | 859421 | 135991 |
Allahabad | 1395816 | 248662 |
Bara | 365605 | 65850 |
Karchhana | 606924 | 95034 |
Handia | 944717 | 144880 |
Meja | 579879 | 87482 |
Koraon | 378839 | 61971 |