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Akola District Population
Akola District Total population is 1813906. Rural Population is 1094165 and Urban population is 719741. Akola District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1094165 | 563933 | 530232 |
Urban | 719741 | 368401 | 351340 |
Total | 1813906 | 932334 | 881572 |
List of sub districts in Akola District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Telhara | 172359 | 37826 |
Akot | 255540 | 55612 |
Balapur | 189412 | 41112 |
Akola | 733852 | 155360 |
Murtijapur | 174650 | 40113 |
Patur | 138730 | 31060 |
Barshitakli | 149363 | 34607 |