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Ahmadabad District Population
Ahmadabad District Total population is 7214225. Rural Population is 1151178 and Urban population is 6063047. Ahmadabad District is in Gujarat State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 1151178 | 595583 | 555595 |
Urban | 6063047 | 3192468 | 2870579 |
Total | 7214225 | 3788051 | 3426174 |
List of sub districts in Ahmadabad District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mandal | 70346 | 15121 |
Detroj-Rampura | 83199 | 17580 |
Viramgam | 193283 | 40833 |
Sanand | 237845 | 47822 |
Daskroi | 321817 | 67131 |
Dholka | 249852 | 50721 |
Bavla | 158191 | 31843 |
Ranpur | 92926 | 17277 |
Barwala | 75986 | 13615 |
Dhandhuka | 145252 | 26922 |