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Major Political Parties in Sohiong Assembly Constituency
UDP , INC are the major political parties in Sohiong Assembly Constituency .HPSD , HPD , are the political parties popular in previous years .
Present Sitting MLA of Sohiong Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Sohiong Assembly Constituency is h. donkupar r. lyngdoh from party INC partyMandals in Sohiong Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Sohiong Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
2013 | (ST) | H. Donkupar R. Lyngdoh | INC | 12353 | 2852 | Braston Kharphuli | UDP | UDP | UDP | 9501 |
2008 | (ST) | H. Donkupar R. Lyngdoh | INC | 8500 | 1673 | Rain Augustine Lyngdoh | UDP | UDP | UDP | 6827 |
2003 | (ST) | H.Donkupar R. Lyngdoh | INC | 9518 | 2309 | . Rain Augustine Lyngdoh | UDP | UDP | UDP | 7209 |
1998 | (ST) | Rain Augustine Lyngdoh | UDP | 8506 | 344 | H. Donkupar R. Lyngdoh | INC | INC | INC | 8162 |
1993 | (ST) | H. Donkupa R. Lyngdoh | HPSD | 10097 | 3317 | Rain Augustine Lyngdoh | INC | INC | INC | 6780 |
1988 | (ST) | M.Donkupar Lyngdoh | HPD | 6135 | 1972 | Nit Shabong | INC | INC | INC | 4163 |
1983 | (ST) | Nit Shabong | INC | 3562 | 992 | Medras Mylliem | HPD | HPD | HPD | 2570 |
1978 | (ST) | Medras Mylliem | HPD | 2787 | 459 | Nit Shabong | IND | IND | IND | 2328 |
1972 | (ST) | Edward Kurbah | IND | 1496 | 523 | S. Lonaik Marbaniang | IND | IND | IND | 973 |
List of Polling booths in Sohiong Assembly Constituency
0) Demthring
1) Dira U0027au0027
2) Dira U0027bu0027
3) Jabar
4) Kharangoi
5) Krang U0027au0027
6) Krang U0027bu0027
7) Kreit U0027au0027
8) Kreit U0027bu0027
9) Kynroh (nonglyer)
10) Laitnongkseh
11) Lawmei U0027au0027
12) Lawmei U0027bu0027
13) Lyndet Khlaw
14) Lyngkhoi U0027au0027
15) Lyngkhoi U0027bu0027
16) Madan Bitaw
17) Mawkneng
18) Mawlaiteng U0027au0027
19) Mawlaiteng U0027bu0027
20) Mawmaram
21) Nongbsap
22) Nonglyngkien
23) Nongpathaw
24) Nongur
25) Rangshken U0027au0027
26) Rangskhen U0027bu0027
27) Rynli
28) Shiliang Dongki U0027au0027
29) Shiliang Dongki U0027bu0027
30) Sohiong Len U0027au0027
31) Sohiong Len U0027bu0027
32) Sohlwai
33) Umsaw U0027au0027
34) Umsaw U0027bu0027
35) Umtyrnuit
36) Wahlang
37) Wahrahaw
38) Weilyngkut
and more ...
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