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Major Political Parties in Mawsynram Assembly Constituency
UDP , MDP , NCP , INC are the major political parties in Mawsynram Assembly Constituency .AHL , HPU , HPD , are the political parties popular in previous years .
Present Sitting MLA of Mawsynram Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Mawsynram Assembly Constituency is pynshngainlang syiem from party INC partyMandals in Mawsynram Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Mawsynram Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
2013 | (ST) | Pynshngainlang Syiem | INC | 6923 | 509 | Khraw Kupar Jyrwa | UDP | UDP | UDP | 6414 |
2008 | (ST) | Pynshngainlang Syiem | INC | 4859 | 258 | Khrawkupar Jyrwa | NCP | NCP | NCP | 4601 |
2003 | (ST) | D.Plaslanding Iangjuh | MDP | 5467 | 760 | Gopal Stone Hynniewta | INC | INC | INC | 4707 |
1998 | (ST) | D.Plaslanding Iangjuh | UDP | 4492 | 1978 | Mestonnath Kharchandy | INC | INC | INC | 2514 |
1993 | (ST) | Mestonath Kharc Handy | INC | 4331 | 188 | D. Plaslanding Iangjuh | IND | IND | IND | 4143 |
1988 | (ST) | Mestonnath Kharchandy | INC | 3934 | 831 | D.P. Iangjuh | HPU | HPU | HPU | 3103 |
1983 | (ST) | Mestonnath Kharshandy | INC | 2397 | 411 | D. Plaslanding Langjuh | HPD | HPD | HPD | 1986 |
1978 | (ST) | Karadoklie E. Tariang | HPD | 1588 | 328 | D.Palaslanding Iangjuh | IND | IND | IND | 1260 |
1972 | (ST) | Kisto M Roy Marabaniang | AHL | 1731 | 324 | Mestonath Kharchandy | IND | IND | IND | 1407 |
List of Polling booths in Mawsynram Assembly Constituency
0) Chirrakata
1) Dangar
2) Dholai Goan
3) Dholai Malai
4) Domskong
5) Hat Mawdon
6) Kenbah
7) Kenmynsaw
8) Kharabri
9) Kmawan Rum
10) Kynrang
11) Kyrdoh
12) Laitsohum
13) Lalpani U0027au0027
14) Lalpani U0027bu0027
15) Lawbah
16) Makhali
17) Mawdon
18) Mawkaphan
19) Mawkhan
20) Mawkynwan Lyngkhom
21) Mawpen
22) Mawrapad
23) Mawspong
24) Mawsynram Dongneng U0027au0027
25) Mawsynram Dongneng U0027bu0027
26) Mawsynram Dongrum U0027au0027
27) Mawsynram Dongrum U0027bu0027
28) Mawteibah
29) Mawtepiew
30) Nongdom Mawria U0027au0027
31) Nongdom Mawria U0027bu0027
32) Nonglait
33) Nongrim (warding)
34) Nongshluid
35) Nongtrai
36) Pataghat
37) Phlangmawsyrpat
38) Phlangwanbroi U0027au0027
39) Phlangwanbroi U0027bu0027
40) Pomblang
41) Pongkung U0027au0027
42) Pongkung U0027bu0027
43) Pyndensohsaw
44) Ryngku Bazar
45) Saitshylliah
46) Sinai Mawshynrut
47) Sonatola
48) Synnei Nongrim
49) Telsora
and more ...
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