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Major Political Parties in Jowai Assembly Constituency
UDP , INC are the major political parties in Jowai Assembly Constituency .AHL , HPU are the political parties popular in previous years .
Present Sitting MLA of Jowai Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Jowai Assembly Constituency is roytre christopher laloo from party INC partyMandals in Jowai Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Jowai Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
2013 | (ST) | Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | 9496 | 679 | Moonlight Pariat | IND | IND | IND | 8817 |
2008 | (ST) | Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | 7712 | 593 | Singh Mulieh | UDP | UDP | UDP | 7119 |
2003 | (ST) | Singh Mulieh | UDP | 8967 | 661 | Dr. Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | INC | INC | 8306 |
1998 | (ST) | Singh Mulieh | UDP | 8775 | 212 | Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | INC | INC | 8563 |
1993 | (ST) | Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | 7572 | 1880 | Singh Mulieh | IND | IND | IND | 5692 |
1988 | (ST) | Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | 3645 | 802 | Guinton Passah | HPU | HPU | HPU | 2843 |
1983 | (ST) | Dr. Roytre Christopher Laloo | INC | 2291 | 540 | Tylli Kundiah | AHL | AHL | AHL | 1751 |
1978 | (ST) | Tylli Kyndiah | IND | 2230 | 488 | Disingh Shallam | IND | IND | IND | 1742 |
1972 | (ST) | B. B. Shallam | AHL | 2907 | 1165 | Gordon D. Pde | INC | INC | INC | 1742 |
List of Polling booths in Jowai Assembly Constituency
0) Caroline Colony
1) Chutwakhu A
2) Chutwakhu B
3) Dulong A
4) Dulong B
5) Ialong A
6) Ialong B
7) Iawmusiang A
8) Iawmusiang B
9) Iongpiah A
10) Iongpiah B
11) Khimmusniang A
12) Khimmusniang B
13) Khliehtyrshi
14) Lad Mukhla
15) Ladthalaboh A
16) Ladthalaboh B
17) Ladthalaboh C
18) Ladthalaboh D
19) Madur
20) Mihmyntdu Lumpyrdi A
21) Mihmyntdu Lumpyrdi B
22) Mihmyntdu Lumpyrtuh A
23) Mihmyntdu Lumpyrtuh B
24) Mission Compound A
25) Mission Compound B
26) Mookyniang A
27) Mookyniang B
28) Mookyrdup
29) Mukhla A
30) Mukhla B
31) Mynthong
32) Niriang
33) Panaliar A
34) Panaliar B
35) Phlongingkhaw
36) Sabahmuswang A
37) Sabahmuswang B
38) Sohmynting A
39) Sohmynting B
40) Tpeppale
41) Umlangshor
and more ...
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