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Major Political Parties in Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency
UDP , NCP , INC are the major political parties in Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency .AHL , HPU are the political parties popular in previous years .
Present Sitting MLA of Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency is brigady marak from party IND partyMandals in Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
2013 | (ST) | Brigady Marak | IND | 7139 | 220 | Adolf Lu Hitler R. Marak | INC | INC | INC | 6919 |
2008 | (ST) | John Manner Marak | NCP | 7084 | 1146 | Chamberline B. Marak | INC | INC | INC | 5938 |
2003 | (ST) | John Manner Marak | NCP | 7756 | 1833 | Chamberline B. Marak | INC | INC | INC | 5923 |
1998 | (ST) | Chamberline B. Marak | INC | 6212 | 194 | John Manner Marak | UDP | UDP | UDP | 6018 |
1993 | (ST) | Chamberline B. Marak | INC | 6555 | 3418 | Johan Manner Marak | HPU | HPU | HPU | 3137 |
1988 | (ST) | Chamberline Marak | INC | 5583 | 2527 | Grohonsing Marak | HPU | HPU | HPU | 3056 |
1983 | (ST) | Chamberline Marak | INC | 4059 | 1915 | Grohonsing Marak | AHL | AHL | AHL | 2144 |
1978 | (ST) | Grohonsing Marak | INC | 1709 | 692 | Levingstone Momin | AHL | AHL | AHL | 1017 |
1972 | (ST) | Grohonsing Marak | AHL | 1531 | 1244 | Broson Momin | IND | IND | IND | 287 |
List of Polling booths in Bajengdoba Assembly Constituency
0) Achotchonggre
1) Akarok Songgitcham
2) Ane Aga
3) Aruakgre
4) Bajengdoba
5) Bakenang Songma
6) Bekbekgre
7) Bollongpang
8) Bolsong Songma
9) Chakodam (sildubi)
10) Chisim Akanang
11) Dajongpara
12) Dalbot Songma
13) Dengnanggre
14) Dingrepa
15) Dujonggre
16) Gabil Songma
17) Gokolgre
18) Gosingpita
19) Gra Songgitcham
20) Jetdoba
21) Kagrakgre
22) Kimdegre
23) Korepara
24) Line Ading
25) Lower Sualmari
26) Mendal (a)
27) Omorpur
28) Raksam Genang
29) Rangagora
30) Rari Bazar
31) Ronggopgre
32) Samkalakgre
33) Snalgre
34) Torikkakona
and more ...
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