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Major Political Parties in Saitu Assembly Constituency
INC is the major political party in Saitu Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Saitu Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Saitu Assembly Constituency is Haokholet Kipgen from party INC partyMandals in Saitu Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Saitu Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
18650 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Saitu Assembly Constituency
0) Bungte Chiru
1) Charhajare (a)
2) Charhajare (b)
3) Charhajare (c )
4) Charoi Pandongba
5) Dolang Khunou
6) G. Songlung
7) Harup Naga
8) Hengbung
9) Ireng
10) Jangmol
11) Kangchup
12) Kangchup Chiru
13) Karakhul
14) Khengjang (a)
15) Khengjang (b)
16) Khoken
17) Khonglong Kabui (pt.i)
18) Khunkhu Kuki
19) L. Simol
20) Langka
21) Leimakhong
22) Longa Koireng
23) Makhan (a)
24) Mayangkhang (a)
25) Mayangkhang (b)
26) Motbung (a)
27) Motbung (b)
28) Motbung (c)
29) N. Songlung
30) New Keithelmanbi
31) Nungsai Chiru
32) Pangmol
33) Pangmol (b)
34) Phaijang (a)
35) Phaijang (b)
36) Phoibi
37) S. Molnom
38) Saitu
39) Samuk
40) Sapermaina (a)
41) Sapermaina (b)
42) Sinam Jonhol
43) Sipijang (a)
44) Sipijang (b)
45) Songpijang
46) T. Khovaiphei
47) Tingkai Khunou
48) Tumuyon Khullen (a)
49) Tumuyon Khullen (b)
and more ...
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