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Major Political Parties in Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency
Indian National Congress (INC) is the major political party in Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency is Abbayya Prasad from party Indian National Congress (INC) partyMandals in Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency .
List of Polling booths in Hubli-Dharwad-East Assembly Constituency
0) Afroza Urdu Nursary & Pr.school Room No.1 Mavanur Road
1) Afroza Urdu Nursary & Pr.school Room No.2 Mavanur Road
2) Akkamahadevi Girls School Room No.1 Veerapur Road
3) Akkamahadevi Girls School Room No.2 Veerapur Road
4) Al
5) Amarjyothi Pr.school Room No.1 Nekarnagar
6) Amarjyothi Pr.school Room No.2 Nekarnagar
7) Anganwadi Kendra Ambedkar Colony Ayodhyanagar
8) Anglo Urdu Girls Junior College Room No.2 Koulpeth
9) Anglo Urdu Girls Jr. College Room No.1 Koulpeth
10) B.e.o Office East Myadar Oni
11) Basav Mantap East Side Veerapur Road
12) Basel Mission Boys Highschool Room No.1 P.b.road
13) Basel Mission Boys Highschool Room No.2 P.b.road
14) Basel Mission Town Govt.kan.pri.schl No.2 Akkipeth
15) Basel Mission Town Govt.kan.pri.schl No.3 Akkipeth
16) Chaitanny Acadamy Eng Med School Hirepeth
17) Counter Room Kcc Bank Building Lamington Road
18) Gollar & Shikkaligar Community Hall Gollar Oni
19) Govt Kan Med Boys School No.8 Room.no.1 Ganeshpeth Shettar Oni
20) Govt Kan Med Boys School No.8 Room.no.2 Ganeshpeth Shettar Oni
21) Govt Kan Med Girls School No.2 Room No.2 Pendar Oni
22) Govt Model Urdu School No.4 Room No.2 Ganeshpeth
23) Govt Model Urdu School No.4 Room No.3 Ganeshpeth
24) Govt Rly Urdu Higher Pr School Off.room Goodshedroad
25) Govt Rly Urdu Higher Pr School Room.no.1 Goodshedroad
26) Govt. Kan Boys School No.5 (e) Settlement Road
27) Govt. Kan Med Schl No.20 Room No.3 Channpeth Road
28) Govt. Kan.junior Pri. School Room No.1 Soniya Gandhi Nagar
29) Govt. Kan.junior Pri. School Room No.2 Soniya Gandhi Nagar
30) Govt. Urdu Med School No.1 (eastern) Tabibland
31) Govt. Urdu Med School No.1 (western) Tabibland
32) Govt. Urdu School Room No.1 Mehbub Nagar Banatikatta Old Hubli
33) Govt. Urdu School Room No.2 Mehbub Nagar Banatikatta Old Hubli
34) Govt.boys Jr.pri.school Room.no.1 Ishwarnagar
35) Govt.boys Jr.pri.school Room.no.2 Ishwarnagar
36) Govt.boys Jr.pri.school Room.no.3 Ishwarnagar
37) Govt.girls Pri School No.3 Room.no.1 Durgad Bail Old Hubli
38) Govt.girls Pri School No.3 Room.no.2 Durgad Bail Old Hubli
39) Govt.kan Boys School No.18 &urdu Boys School No3 Room No 3 Veerapur Road
40) Govt.kan Boys School No.18 &urdu Boys School No3 Room No1 Veerapur Road
41) Govt.kan Boys School No.18 &urdu Boys School No3 Room No2 Veerapur Road
42) Govt.kan Boys School No.19 Room No.1 Karwar Road
43) Govt.kan Boys School No.19 Room No.2 Karwar Road
44) Govt.kan Boys School No.7(e) Koulpeth
45) Govt.kan Boys School No.7(w) Koulpeth
46) Govt.kan Med Boys School No.3(n) Akkihonda
47) Govt.kan Med Boys School No.3(southern) Akkihonda
48) Govt.kan Med Boys School No.5(w) Settlement Road
49) Govt.kan Med Girls School No.1 Old Building Room No.2 Ghantikeri
and more ...
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