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Major Political Parties in Bhadravati Assembly Constituency
Indian National Congress (INC) is the major political party in Bhadravati Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Bhadravati Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Bhadravati Assembly Constituency is B.K. Sanagameshwara from party Indian National Congress (INC) partyMandals in Bhadravati Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Bhadravati Assembly Constituency .
Election Year | Reservation | Winner MLA | Winner MLA Party | Winner MLA Votes | Difference votes with Runner Up | Runner UP Candidate | Runner UP Candidate Party | Runner UP Candidate Votes | ||
104023 | 210779 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
List of Polling booths in Bhadravati Assembly Constituency
0) Akkamahadevi High School (east Wing) 1st Room Hosamane Circle Old Town Bhadravathi
1) Akkamahadevi High School (east Wing) 2nd Room Hosamane Circle Old Town Bhadravathi
2) Akkamahadevi High School (south Wing) 2nd Room Hosamane Road Old Town Bhadravathi.
3) Akkamahadevi High School (south Wing) 3rd Room Hosamane Road Old Town Bhadravathi.
4) Al Mohammed Composite College Forwomen (south Wing) Room No
5) Al Mohammed Composite College (for Women)(south Wing)room No.2 Old Town Bhadravathi
6) Al Mohammed Composite College (for Women)(south Wing)room No.3 Old Town Bhadravathi
7) Ananya High School (english Medium) (east Wing) Golden Jubliee Colony Upper Hutta Colony Bhadrava
8) Ananya High School (english Medium) (north
9) Ananya High School (english Medium) (south Wing) Golden Jubliee Colony Upper Hutta Colony Bhadrav
10) Assistant Director Of Agreecultural Office (east Wing) Tarikere Road Bhadravathi
11) Assistant Executive Engineer Office Tarikere Road Bhadravathi
12) Basaveshwara Education Institution Ground Floor East Wing 1st Room Jannapura Bhadravathi
13) Basaveshwara Education Institution Ground Floor East Wing 2nd Room Jannapura Bhadravathi
14) Bhadra High School Halappa Circle Old Town Bhadravathi
15) Bhadravathi Municipality Office (east Wing)right Side Room New Town Branch Bhadravathi
16) Block Education Office Sln Road Old Town Bhadravathi
17) Building Attached To Veternery Hospital Hosmane Road Old Town Bhadravathi
18) Citi Municipality Office (front Building) Tarikere Road Old Town Bhadravathi
19) City Municipality Office (west Wing Building) Tarikere Road Old Town Bhadravathi
20) D.h.s.industrial Training Centre Near Lions Club Umblebailu Road New Town Bhadravathi
21) Governemnt Lower Primary School Kage Kodamaggi Taanda
22) Government Lower Primary School
23) Government Lower Primery School Lakshmisagara
24) Government West Higher Primery School (south Wing) Room No. 2 Near Cattle Shed 7th Ward Paper Town
25) Government Boys Urdu Higher Primery School New Town Bhadravathi
26) Government First Grade College Room No.1 Hosmane Circle (left Side) Old Town Bhadravathi
27) Government First Grade College Room No.3 Hosmane Circle (left Side) Old Town Bhadravathi
28) Government First Grade College Room No.5 Hosmane Circle (left Side) Old Town Bhadravathi
29) Government Girls Higher Primery School (east Wing) N.d.park Road Old Town Bhadravathi.
30) Government Girls Pre
31) Government Girls Pri
32) Government Higher Primary School Bhadra Colony
33) Government Higher Primary School Kanakatte.
34) Government Higher Primary School Room No
35) Government Higher Primary School Room No.1
36) Government Higher Primary School Room No.2
37) Government Higher Primary School Sitharampura
38) Government Higher Primary School South Wing Shriramanagara Majire Veerapura
39) Government Higher Primary School West Wing Room No.8 Hosa Siddapura
40) Government Higher Primary School (east Wing) Kadadakatte
41) Government Higher Primary School (north Side) Aralihalli
42) Government Higher Primary School (north Wing) Room No.2 Seegebagi
43) Government Higher Primary School (north Wing).room No.1 Seegebagi
44) Government Higher Primary School (north Wing)room No.1 Kanakatte Extension Hanumantha Nagara
45) Government Higher Primary School (north Wing)room No.2 Kanakatte Extension Hanumantha Nagara
46) Government Higher Primary School (south Wing) Kanakatte Extension Hanumantha Kanakatte
47) Government Higher Primary School (south Wing)aralihalli
48) Government Higher Primary School (west Wing) Kadadakatte
49) Government Higher Primary School Barandur (north Wing) Barandur
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