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Major Political Parties in Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency
BJP is the major political party in Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency .Present Sitting MLA of Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency .
Present Sitting MLA s of Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency is Rohit Thakur from party BJP partyMandals in Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency .
History of winning MLA s from Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency .
List of Polling booths in Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency
0) G.s.s.s.ratnari
1) Ggsss Kotkhai
2) Ghs Alawang
3) Ghs Badeon (panog)
4) Ghs Baghal
5) Ghs Bakhol
6) Ghs Dakhal
7) Ghs Darkoti
8) Ghs Ghalaya
9) Ghs Kathasu
10) Ghs Koti
11) Ghs Nagan
12) Ghs Sari
13) Ghs Standi
14) Ghs Tahoo
15) Gms Domehar
16) Gms Govindpur
17) Gms Gujandali
18) Gms Kaina
19) Gms Kothi
20) Gms Koti
21) Gms Pujeli
22) Gms Seri
23) Gms Spoil
24) Gps Adaihla
25) Gps Annu
26) Gps Astandli
27) Gps Badeon
28) Gps Bag
29) Gps Baghar
30) Gps Barthata
31) Gps Batad
32) Gps Bedar
33) Gps Bhagoli
34) Gps Chariyana
35) Gps Chever
36) Gps Dadot
37) Gps Deem
38) Gps Deog
39) Gps Dhadighunsa
40) Gps Dhangavi
41) Gps Dhansar
42) Gps Dhar
43) Gps Dhar Kalala
44) Gps Freunkoti
45) Gps Ghunda
46) Gps Gumma
47) Gps Hulli
48) Gps Jachali
49) Gps Jalath
and more ...
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